"Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos" by S.Wiggins (平成7年度)
"Quantum Mechanics" by L.I.Schiff (平成8年度)
"Nonlinear Systems" by P.G.Drazin (平成9年度)
"Synergetics" by H.Haken (第6章~) (平成10年度)
"Nonlinear Systems" by P.G.Drazin (平成11年度)
"Perspectives of Nonlinear Dynamics" by E.A.Jackson (平成12年度)
"Stochastic Differential Equations" by B.Oksendal (平成13年度)
"Exploring Chaos -- theory and experiment --" by Brian Davies (平成14年度)
"Nonlinear Dynamics - Integrability, Chaos and Patterns" by M.Lakshmanan and S.Rajasekar (平成15年度)
"Chaos for Engineers - Theory, Applications, and Control" by T.Kapitaniak (平成16年度)
"Nonlinear Dynamics - A Two-way Trip from Physics to Math" by H G Solari, M A Natiello and G B Mindlin (平成17年度)
"Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos" by S.Wiggins (平成18年度)
"Nonlinear Systems" by P.G.Drazin (平成19年度)
"Chaos -- An Introduction to Dynamical Systems" by K.T.Alligood, T.D.Sauer and J.A.Yorke (平成20年度)
"Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics Second Edition" by Robert C. Hilborn (平成25年度)
"Chaotic Behaviour of Deterministic Dissipative Systems" by Milos Marek, Igor Schreiber (平成26年度)
"Chaotic Vibration" by F.C.Moon (平成7年度)
"Order within Chaos" by P.Berge, Y.Pomeau and C.Vidal (平成8年度)
"協同現象の数理" by H.Haken (平成9年度)
"Stability, Instability and Chaos" by P.Glendinning (平成10年度)
"Order within Chaos" by P.Berge, Y.Pomeau and C.Vidal (平成11年度)
"Stochastic Processes in Physics and Chemistry" by N.G.Van Kampen (平成12年度)
"Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos" by J.M.T.Thompson and H.B.Stewart (平成13年度)
"Stability, Instability and Chaos" by P.Glendinning (平成14年度)
"Stability, Instability and Chaos" by P.Glendinning (平成15年度)
"Stability, Instability and Chaos" by P.Glendinning (平成16年度)
"Stability, Instability and Chaos" by P.Glendinning (平成17年度)
"Stability, Instability and Chaos" by P.Glendinning (平成18年度)
"Stability, Instability and Chaos" by P.Glendinning (平成19年度)
"Chaotic dynamics : an introduction" by G.L.Baker & J.P.Gollub (平成20年度)
"Chaotic dynamics : an introduction" by G.L.Baker & J.P.Gollub (平成21年度)
"Chaotic dynamics : an introduction" by G.L.Baker & J.P.Gollub (平成22年度)
"It's a Nonlinear World" by R. H. Enns (平成23年度)
"Stability, Instability and Chaos" by P.Glendinning (平成24年度)
"Chaos for Engineers - Theory, Applications, and Control" by T.Kapitaniak (平成25年度)